Thursday, May 25, 2023

Personal Deposit

Define Personal Deposits?

Personal deposits are maintained in the treasuries in the nature of banking account. These are commonly known as Personal Ledger account or Personal Deposit.

(i) Personal deposit is a device intended to facilitate the Designated officer to credit receipt into and effect withdrawals directly from the account.

(ii) The designated officer shall ensure (with the help of a personal ledger account to be maintained by the bank for the purpose) that no withdrawal will result in a minus balance.

(iii) Personal Deposit account opened by the special order by the concerned ministry/ department in consultation with CGA.

(iv) Forms of government account and is located in public fund.

Cases in which Personal Ledger Account shall be opened:-

Personal Ledger Account shall be authorized to be opened in the following types of cases, namely:-

(a) in favour of a authorized officer appointed for the purpose of administering moneys tendered by or on behalf of wards and attached estates under the Government management. It shall also be ensured that proper arrangements are made for the maintenance and audit of connected initial accounts;

(b) in relation to Civil and Criminal Courts' deposits, in favour of the Chief Judicial Authority concerned;

(c) where, under certain regulatory activities of the Government, receipts are realized and credited to a Fund or Account under the provisions of an Act to be utilized towards expenditure thereunder and no outgo from the Consolidated Fund is involved;

(d) where a Personal Ledger Account is required to be created by law or rules having the force of law and certain liabilities devolve on the Government out of the special enactments;

(e) in favour of officers of commanding units and others concerned in the administration of public funds in the Civil Defence and Police Departments; and

(f) in any other case of exceptional character.


Question asked in HPFAS (1997)

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