Thursday, May 25, 2023

Cut Motions, Adjournment Motion, Censure Motion, Calling Attention Motion, No Confidence Motion, Zero Hour (Kinds of Motion)

1. Cut Motions (Question asked in HPFAS 2008)

Cut Motion is a power given to the members of the Lok Sabha that enables its members to oppose any demand in a finance bill proposed by a Government. If a cut motion is accepted, it is tantamount (Tantamount means Similar/ Equal/ Like) to a No Confidence Motion.


2. Adjournment Motion:- 

Adjournment motion is the procedure for adjournment of the business of the House from the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance, which can be moved with the consent of the speaker. Primary object of an adjournment motion is to draw the attention of Lok Sabha to a recent matter of urgent public importance having serious consequences.

3. Censure Motion:- 

Censure motion means a motion moved against the Counsil of Ministers, a group of Minister or as individual minister for the failure to perform duties. A censure motion can be introduced in either the Lok Sabha or a state assemble. A censure literally means “strong disapproval” or “Harsh criticism”. It can be a stern rebuke from the Legislature, or it can be general opposition to the policies of the Government or an individual minister.

4. Calling Attention Motion:- 

Calling attention motion introduced in the Parliament by a member. Calling attention motion is a process to call the attention of a minister with respect to a matter of urgent public importance and to seek an authoritative statement from him on that matter.

5. No Confidence Motion:- 

No confidence motion is a formal proposal moved by the opposition against the ruling government in the Lok Sabha. According to the Motion, if the ruling party fails to prove its majority in Lok Sabha after the passing of the motion, it must resign. The No Confidence Motion is an important tool against the Counsil of Ministers in the Lok Sabha. For the Motion to be granted, atleast 50 members of the Lok Sabha should support the motion.

6. Zero Hour:-

 Zero hour is the time when members of Parliament can raise issues of urgent public importance. For raising matters during the Zero hour, Member of Parliaments must give the notice before 10 AM to the speaker/ chairman on the day of the sitting.

        The time of Zero hour starts 12 noon immediately following the Question Hour in the Parliament

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