Thursday, June 1, 2023

Important Phrases, Previous year solved question paper of English (HPFAS), Important Phrases for Competitive Examination (2011 to 2016) PART-2


YEAR 2011

(1) Give up the ghost  ______To die/ To stop working.

(2) Back to drawing board_________ Used to indicate that an idea has been 

          unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised/ plan it all over again.

(3) Down at -heel_______ Wearing old clothes, or in a bad condition, because of not 

                                            having much money.

(4) A bone of contention______ Cause of dispute.

(5) Burn the mid-night oil______ To work very late at night.


YEAR 2013

(1) Divide and Conquer _______ A way of keeping yourself in a position of power by 

     causing disagreements among other people so that they are unable to oppose you.

(2) Burn the candles at both ends ______ To spend lavishly.

(3) Make a lamb_________ To be exceptionally patient, humble and mild in manner.

(4) An empty sack cannot stand upright____A poor or hungry person can  not 

                                                                        function properly.

(5) Pride goeth before fall_____ People who are overconfident or too arrogant are 

                                                    likely to fail.

YEAR 2014

(1) It is not work that kills but worry________ Working hard will not hurt you, but 

                                                                    worrying too much is bad for your health.

(2) Hunger is the best sauce_______ Being hungry makes one less concerned about 

                                                            the taste of one's food.

(3) The more you get, the more your want___Rather than any sense of satisfaction or contentment, his accumulation of wealth and possessions only fuels a desire for further accumulation.

(4) Tomorrow never comes________A goal of action which is postponed until a future day is often never accomplished; do not procrastinate.

(5) Cast pearls before swine________To offer to a person such valuable things, which 

                                                             he does not appreciate.

(4) Beard the Lion in his den________Confront a danger, take a risk.

YEAR 2016

(1) Fine words butter no parsnips____Nothing is achieved by empty words or flattery.


(2) Fight tooth and nail______________ With all force.

(3) Dead man tell no tales_____ People who are dead can not tell secrets.

(4) As poor as Church mouse_______Having little or no wealth and few possessions.

(5) Keep one's nose to the grindstone_________To do hard, continuous work.

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