Friday, May 26, 2023

Most important One Word Substitution for competitive Examination?


1.Belonging to times long past =             Ancient

2.That which has got life=                         Animate.

3. A real incident of private life =            Anecdote.

4. A day of celebration coming after a year =            Anniversary.

5. Happening every year =                            Annual.

6. Deviation from a rule =                              Anomaly.

7.Without the name of the writer or author =             Anonymous.

8. A collection of poems etc. =                 Anthology.

9. A medicine used against poison =                   Antidote

10.that which can be corrected  = Corrigible

11. Recovering from illness = Convalescent

12. Which can be understood fully =  Comprehensible

13. A disease present from birth = Congenital

14. Which catch fire and burns easily = Combustible.

15. A person or party opposed to change=  Conservative.

16. A person held guilty and punished by court = Convict.

17. One who loves all countries of the world = Cosmopolitan

18. Which can be believed = Credible

19.Place or building where nun live and work = Convent

20. A small piece of machinery used for arithmetical calculation = Calculator

21. The art of beautiful writing = Calligraphy

22. A picture drawn to make people laugh = Caricature

23.  Who believe things very easily = Credulous

24. Pertaining to cooking or the kitchen = Culinary

25. Tools, like knives, used for cutting = Cutlery

26. A person or thing that attracts everyone’s attention = Cynosure

27. Union of political parties for a special purpose = Coalition

28. The policy of ‘live and let live’ = Co-existence

29. Two or more things happening together by chance = Coincidence

30. Persons working together = Colleagues

31. A play full of fun and laughter = Comedy

32. A place where two rivers meet = Confluence

33. A device or drug which prevents pregnancy= Contraceptive

34.  Persons living at the same time = Contemporaries

35. Persons belonging to the same religion = Co- religionists

36. A book in which accounts are kept = Ledger.

37. Anything that a person gets the death of other = Legacy.

38. Connected with law = Legal.

39. A law making body =Legislature.

40. A person who compiles a dictionary = Lexicographer.

41. The equipment of a soldier, sailor or traveler = Kit.

42. The young one of cat = Kitten.

43. Not caring the suffering of others = Callous.

44. A vote which decides the matter = Casting vote.

45 . A systematic list of books in a library = Catalogue. 

46. One who engages in any pursuit (recreational or sporting activity) for the love of it and not for gain = amateur.

47. One who feeds on fruits = Fruitarian.

48. One who journeys on Foot = Pedestrian.

49. One who journeys to a holy places = Pilgrim.

50. One who goes from place to place begging alms = Beggar.

51. One who loves his country and serves it devotedly = Patriot.

52. One who foretells events = Prophet.

53. One given up to luxurious living = Sybarite.

54. One given to sensual pleasure and bodily enjoyment = Voluptuary.

55. One who steers a boat = Coxswain.

56. One who pretends to know a great deal about everything = Mountebank.

57. One who imitates the voice, gestures etc. of another = Mimic.

58. One versed in many languages = Linguist.

59. One who can use both hands writing = Ambidextrous.

60. One who entertains another =Host, Hostess.

61. One who works along with other = Coadjutor.

62. One living at the same time as another = Contemporary.

63. One who is opposed to intellectual progress = Obscurant.

64. To place apart to prevent from infecting other = Isolate.

65. To cut off a part of a person’s which is infected = Amputate.

66. A cure of all disease =Panacea.

67. One who is recovering from illness = Convalescent.

68. Gradual recovery from illness = Convalescence.

69. A vehicle for conveying sick or injured people to hospital = Ambulance.

70 .A place where animals are slaughtered for the market = Abattoir.

71. To give up the throne or other office of dignity= Abdicate.

72. Washing of the hands or the body as an act of religion=Ablution.

73. To turn somebody into an enemy= Alienate.

74. To increase the speed= Accelerate.

75. Setting a person free after declare his innocent= Acquittal.

76. Period of life between childhood and maturity= Adolescence.

77. Concerned with beauty= Aesthetic.

78.  (Handwriting ) Which can be read = Legible.

79. ( Water etc. ) neither hot or cold = Lukewarm.

80. Song for sending a baby to sleep = Lullaby.

81. Of the moon = Lunar.

82. A mid-day meal = Lunch.

83. Rich and sweet in taste and smell = Luscious.

84. An acrobat who bends his body into various shapes = Contortionist.

85. One who tries to get votes for an election candidate=Canvasser.

86. An authority on Pronunciation= Orthoepist.

87. An unthankful person = Ingrate.

88. One who loves and help mankind = Philanthropist.

89. Interest in collecting stamps = Philately.

90. One interest in collecting stamps = Philately.

91. The art of judging character from the face( face as the index of mind )= Physiognomy.

92. Natural constitution of a person = Physique.

93. One who journey to a holy place = Pilgrim.

94. A person who loves his country and serves it devotedly = Patriot.

95. A writer who takes and uses the words and ideas of other = Plagiarist.

96. (A wife) having many husbands at a time = Polyandry.

97. A person who is physically dependent on a substance = Addict.

98. A child born after the death of its father is called = A posthumous child.

99. A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling = Gesture.

100. A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house = Mortgage.

101. Failing to discharge one’s duty = Dereliction.

102 .One who hates women = Misogynist.

103. A system of naming thing = Nomenclature.

104. A raised passageway in a building = Walkway.

105. A cure for all disease = Panacea.

106. A person who loves mankind = Philanthropist.

107. To confirm with the help of evidence = Corroborate.

108. The action of looking within or into one’s own mind = Introspection.

109. One who has narrow and prejudice = Fanatic.

110. Capable of being interpreted in two ways = Ambiguous.

111. One who is given to flattering others to gain some advantage = Sycophant.

112. That which cannot be wounded = Invulnerable.

113. The study of language = Philology.

114. To deliver a criminal to the authority of the country from which he has come =Extradite.

115. The fixed moral customs and standards of a particular group =Mores.

116. One sent out on a mission = Emissary.

117. A person who collects things belonging to ancient time = Antiquary.

118. One who collects coins = Numismatist.

119. One who has been before another in office of employment = Predecessor.

120. One who takes over after another in office or employment = Successor.

121. Want or poorness of blood = Anemia. (anaemia)

122. Affecting the lungs = Pulmonary.

123. A substance to keep down evil smells = Deodorant.

124. To be able to tell the nature of the disease by its symptoms = Diagnose.

125. A forecast of the result of a disease or illness = Prognosis.

126. The science of diseases of the human body = Pathology.

127. A disease widely epidemic = Pandemic.

128. A disease affecting widely scattered groups of people = Sporadic.

129. The study of birds = Ornithology.

130. A woman with light colored hair = Blonde.

131. A woman with dark hair = Brunette.

132. One who eats no animal flash = Vegetarian.

133. One who feeds on fruits = Fruitarian.

134. The person in charge of library = Librarian.

135. One who deals in flowers = Florist.

136. One who studies the stars = Astronomer.

137. A mark of shame = Stigma.

138. A short, usually amusing(make laugh and smile) , story about some real person or event =Anecdote.

139. Life history of a person written by other = Biography.

140. Custom of having many wives = Polygamy.

141. A person who does not believe in any religion =Pagan.

142. Bringing about Gentle and painless death from incurable disease  =Euthanasia.

143. A man of lax moral = Licentious.

144. A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. =Pen.

145. To cause troop etc. to spread out in readiness for battle = Deploy.

146. The act of killing one’s wife = Uxoricide.

147. Music sung or played at night below a person window = Serenade.

148. A government by the nobles = Aristocracy.

149. Anything written in letter after it is signed = Postscript.

150. Strong and settled dislike between two persons = Antipathy.

151. A small house with all rooms at one floor = Bungalow.

152. A person who has no money to pay off his debts = Insolvent.

153. The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence = Imperialism.

154. Government by a single person = Autocracy.

155. Practice of a married women having extra marital relationship = Adultery.

156. Part of a church in which bells hangs = Belfry.

157. Mania for balking= Logomania.

158.An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground =Chasm.

159. The study of ancient societies =Archeology.

160. The foolish belief that one in God = Theomania.

161. A process involving too much official formality = Red-tapism.

162. Person who brings an action at law = Plaintiff.

163 .The place where public, government or historical records are kept = Archives.

164. Large scale departure of people = Exodus.

165. A post without remuneration = Honorary.

166. Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying ticket = Raffle.

167. To send unwanted person out of the country = Deport.

168. Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son = Abdication.

169. A government run by Dictator = Autocracy.

170. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost = Elegy.

171. One who despises persons of lower social position = Snob.

172. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good = Hedonist.

173. Commencement of words with the same letter = Alliteration.

174. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrong done to him = Vindictive.

175. An office or post with no work but high pay = Sinecure.

176. Murder of a brother = Fratricide.

177. A person living permanently in a certain place = Domicile.

178. To slap with a flat object = Swat.

179. Regard for other as a principle of action = Altruism.

180. Person who believe that God is everything and everything is God = Pantheist.

181. Relationship by blood or birth = Consanguinity.

182. A person who rules without consulting the opinion of other = Autocrat.

183. Study of mankind = Anthropology.

184. Through which light cannot pass = Opaque.

185. A person not sure of the existence of God = Agnostic.

186. Stealing from the writing of others = Plagiarism.

187. A short stay at a place = Sojourn.

188. Constant effort to achieve something = Attempt.

189. Design made by putting together colored piece of glass or stones = Mosaic.

190. One who deserts his religion (A person who renounces a belief or principle) = Apostate.

191. One who uses fear as a weapon of power = Terrorist.

192. The original inhabitant of a country = Aborigines.

193. One who does not care for literature or art = Philistine.

194. Place where bees are kept = Apiary.

195. A man of odd habits = Eccentric.

196. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others = Sadism.

197. The power of reading the thoughts of other = Telepathy.

198. One filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in cause = Fanatic.

199. A light sailing boat built especially for racing = Yacht.

200. Be the embodiment or perfect example of = Personify.

201. A house for storing grain = Granary.

202. A name adopted by an author in his writing = Pseudonym.

203. One who is made to bear the blame due to other =Scapegoat.

204. Cutting for stone in the bladder = Lithotomy.

205. Food which agree with one’s taste = Palatable.

206. One who loves books = bibliophile.

207. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s banks = Hinterland.

208. A low area storm with high winds rotating about the centre of low atmospheric pressure = Cyclone.

209. Something which is not thorough or profound = Superficial.

210. Indifference to pleasure or pain = Stoicism.

211. Present opposing arguments or evidence = Rebut.

212. To mediate between two parties in a dispute = Intercede.

213. The branch of medical science which deals with problem of the old people = Geriatrics.

214. A person pretending to be somebody he is not = Imposter.

215. The doctrine that human souls pass from one body to another at the time of death = Transmigration.

216. A drawing on transport paper = Transparency.

217. Giving undue favours to one’s own kith and kiln = Nepotism.

218. One who sacrifices his life for a cause = Martyr.

219. A style in which a Writer makes a display of his knowledge =Pedantic.

220. One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil = Cynic.

221. A word no longer in use = Obsolete.

222. A short journey made by a group of person together = Excursion.

223. One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige = Parvenu.

224. Thing that can be felt or touched = palpable.

225. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool = Dotage.

226. A person who is skilled in horsemanship = Equestrian.

227. A paper written in one’s own handwriting = Manuscript.

228. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence = Protocol.

229. Of outstanding significance = Monumental.

230. A place of good climate for invalids = Sanatorium.

231. One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind, when every man should be a law into himself = Anarchist.

232. To talk without respect of something sacred or holy = Blasphemy.

233. Murder of a king = Regicide.

234. A dramatic performance = Masque.

235. An expression of mild disapproval = Reproof.

236. Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island = Peninsula.

237. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth =Geo-stationary.

238. Murder of a new born baby = Infanticide.

239. One who posses many talents = Versatile.

240. Word for word reproduction = Verbatim.

241. Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth = Parable.

242. To move along with quick, short twisting = Wriggle.

243. That which cannot be done without = indispensable.

244. One who travel from place to place = Itinerant.

245. A short walk for pleasure or exercise = Stroll.

246. That which cannot be understood = Unintelligible.

247. A sea abounding ( exist in large number or amount) In island = Archipelago.

248. Words used in ancient times but no longer in general use now = Archaic.

249. He spent a long time cutting all the waste paper into pieces = Shredding

250. The dead body of human being = Corpse.

251. The dead body of an animal = Carcass.

252. A place where dead bodies are temporarily placed = Mortuary.

253. A place where bodies of persons found dead are placed for identification = Morgue.

254. Disposal of a dead body is burned = Cremation.

255. The cloth which is wrapped round a dead body = Winding-sheet.

256. A pile of wood on which a dead body is burned = Pyre.

257. A place where dead bodies are interred = Cemetery.

258. An examination of a dead body = Autopsy.

259. Occurring after death = Posthumous.

260. An inscription on a tomb = Epitaph.

261. One who looks upon the bright side of things = Optimist.

262. One who is expert in making speech = Orator.

263. A trial or test which is as hard as passing through fire = Ordeal.

264. A child whose parents have died = Orphan.

265. A house of orphan = Orphanage.

266. Believing in old accepted ideas = Orthodox.

267. To banish or shut out a person from society = Ostracize.

268. Border or outlying parts of a town or city = Outskirts.

269. A warm and enthusiastic welcome =Ovation.

270. One who draws plans = Draughtsman.

271. One who deals in cattle = Drover.

272. One who deals in medicinal herbs = Herbalist.

273. One who makes barrels, tubs, etc = Cooper.

274. One who sells small article such as ribbons, laces, thread = Haberdasher.

275. One who deals in silks, cotton, woolen ( Woollon) and lines goods = Mercer.

276. One who shoes horses = Farrier.

277. One studies the past through objects left behind = Archaeologist.

278. One who foretells things by the stars = Astrologer.

279. Having many quality of strength = Virile.

280. Which can be seen = Visible.

281. A oral test = Viva-voice.

282. Concerned with the voice = Vocal.

283. A stretch of land surrounded by hills = Valley.

284. A sea-journey in a ship = Voyage.

285. Which can be wounded or injured = Vulnerable.

286. A place for keeping clothes = Wardrobe.

287. Hair on the sides of a man’s face = Whiskers.

288. A wife whose husband has died = Widow.

289. A person appointed by two parties to settle a dispute = Arbitrator.

290. A place where ammunition and weapons are stored= Arsenal.

291. To understand completely or absorb completely = Assimilate.

292. A government by persons of the highest social rank = Aristocracy.

293. Money that remains unpaid = Arrears.

294. A traveler through outer space = Astronaut.

295. One who leads a hard life of self-discipline for religious reasons = Ascetic.

296. Giving special favours  to one’ relatives = Nepotism.

297. Helping neither side in a war or quarrel = Neutral.

298. A name given to person to tease him = Nickname.

299. Belief in nothing = Nihilism.

300. Happening or done at night = Nocturnal.

301. One who is new in something = Novice.

302. A person or thing that causes trouble = Nuisance.

303. Having high food value = Nutritious.

304. A printed notice about somebody’s death = Obituary.

305.A job with salary but without work = Sinecure.

306. A partner in business who does not work = Sleeping partner.

307. To burn slowly without flame = Smoulder.

308. One who makes a show of superiority = Snob.

309. One who walks in sleep = Somnambulist.

310. An old unmarried women = Spinster.

311. Sharp or pointed pieces of a bomb etc. = Spinster.

312. One who speaks for others = Spokesman.

313. An expert at story telling = Raconteur.

314. One who journeys from place to place = Itinerant.

315. One who goes from place to place to begging alms = Medicant , Beggar.

316. One who’s reasoning is clever yet false = Sophist.

317. One who makes a display of his learning = Pedant.

318. One who can’t pay debt = Insolvent.

319. Which can’t be touched = Intangible.

320. Done on purpose = Intentional.

321. Which can’t be tolerated = Intolerable.

322. Which can’t be defeated = invincible.

323. Not to the point = Irrelevant.

324. Too much greed for money = Avarice.

325. A place for keeping birds = Aviary.

326. One who talks ill of others in their absence = Backbiter.

327. Having no hair on head = Bald.

328. A song or poem that tells an old story = Ballad.

329. One who cannot pay his debts = Bankrupt.

330. One who gives help or benefit to another = Benefactor.

331. A list of books by one author or on one subject = Bibliography.

332. An underground room = Basement.

333. Breaking into the house for stealing = Burglary.

334. A factory for manufacturing beer = Brewery.

335. A building for soldiers to live in = Barracks.

336. Life history of a person = Biography.

337. A build follower of a religion or party = Bigot.

338. Well versed in two languages = Bilingual.

339. A bird or animal with two feet = Biped.

340. A person who believes that nothing can be known about God = Agnostic.

341. A person who wants to turn other metals into gold = Alchemist.

342. A mixture of different metals = Alloy.

343. The art of beautiful handwriting = Calligraphy.

344. A thing that is difficult  to understand= Enigma.

345. A medicine that produces the desired effect= efficacious.

346. That which can be explained= Explicable.

347. Person who takes an examination= Examinee.

348. A man who loves his own religion and hates other religion= Fanatic.

349. One who is wise and hardworking= Diligent.

350. To give ones authority to other= Delegate.

351. Government by a person=Dictatorship.

 352. A song sung by two person=Duet.

353. Money or gifts given to a Girl in her marriage=Dowry.

354. A person detained or held by law=Detenue.

356. The peak point of story or a plot=Climax.

357. A statement that is not likely to be true= Dubious.

358. Musical entertainment given in a public hall= Concert.

359. That which can not be conquered= Invincible.

360. That which can not be explained= Inexplicable.

361. He who can not be defeated= Indefatigable.

362.That  which has no limit or end= Illimitable.

363. One who lacks knowledge=Ignorant.

364. Something which is harmless= Innocuous.

365. A well playing job= Lucrative.

366. A hand written paper= Manuscript.

367. One who is money minded= Mercenary.

368. That which has no match= Matchless.

369. The mid-day show of cinema= Matinee.

370. Government by a king= Monarchy.

371. Morning prayers in the church=Matins.

372. A dreadful dream= Nightmare.

373. Persons having same name= namesake.

374. Notice of death in newspaper= Obituary.

375. Examination of a dead body= Post-mortem.

376. A writer who steals from another’s writing= plagiarist.

377. Which can be Believed= Credible.

378. Pertaining to cooking or the Kitchen= Culinary.

380. A person or thing that attract everyone’s attention =Cynosure.

381.One  who spends too much= Spendthrift.

382. He who changes his partly often= Turn-coat.

383. One who believe in God= Theist.

384. The student who misses classes=Truant.

385. That who lasts for a short time= Transient.

386. One who is extremely poor and helpless= pauper.

387. Without money= Penniless.

388. Systematic study of languages= philology.

389. Interest in collecting stamps= Philately.

391. One interesting in collecting stamps= Philatelist.

392. A bunch of flower= Bouquet.

393. An underground room= Basement.

394. People working together in same office= Colleagues.

395. One who is expert in making speeches=Orator.

396. A trial or test which is as hard as passing through fire= Ordeal.

397. A house for orphan= Orphanage.

398. To banish or shut out a person from society= Ostracize.

399. Borders or outlying parts of a town or city= Outskirts.

400. To examine something inside out=Overhaul.

401. A worm and enthusiastic welcome= Ovation.

402. One who is not pleased= Fastidious.

403. A period of two weak= Fortnight .

404. That which can be changed or moulded = Flexible.

405. A person who eat too much= Glutton.

406. A person who talks too much= Garrulous.

407. One who can be easily deceived= Gullible.

408. One who cannot pay debts= insolvent.

409. One cannot be touched= Intangible.

410. Which can be easily understood= Intelligible.

411. Done on purpose= Intentional.

412. Which cannot be tolerated= Intolerable.

413. Which cannot be repaired= Irreparable.

414. A person of shop-keeping Middle class= Bourgeois.

415. A government by officials= Bureaucracy.

416. One who gives help or benefit to other= Benefactor.

417. Breaking into the house= Burglary.

418. A building for soldiers to live in= Barracks.

419. A blind follower of a religion or party= Bigot.

420. Well versed in two languages= Bilingual.

421. One sent out on a mission = Emissary.

422. A person who collects things belonging to ancient times= antiquary.

423. One who collects coins= Numismatist.

424. One who has been before another in office of employment=Predecessor.

425. One who takes over after another in office or employment= Successor.

426. Affecting the lungs= pulmonary.

427. A forecast of the result of a disease or illness= Diagnose.

428. One bound to another to learn a trade or art= Apprentice.

429. A person who believe that nothing can be known about god=Agnostic.

430. A person who wants to turn other metal into gold= Alchemist.

431. To turn somebody into enemy= Alienate.

432. A mixture of different metal= Alloy.

433. That which has more than one meaning= Ambiguous.

434. A letter written by unknown person= Anonymous.

435. A word opposite in meaning= Antonym.

436. Representative of government with full authority= Ambassador.

437. Place for keeping Birds= Aviary.

438. A person appointed by two parties to settle a dispute=Arbitrator.

439. A place where ammunition and weapons are stored= Arsenal.

440. To understand completely or absorb food completely= Assimilate.

441. Money that remain unpaid= Arrears.

442. A traveler through space = Astronaut.

443. Too much greed for money= Avarice.

444. Having no hair on the head= Bald.

445. A song or story that tells an old story= Ballad.

446. Soldiers who fight on horseback= Cavalry.

447. One who has taken an oath not to marry= Celibate.

448. Pertaining to a hundred years= Centenary.

449. Union of political parties for a special purpose= Coalition.

450.(A person or Party) opposed to change= Conservative.

451. Sole right dealing or manufacturing= Monopoly.

452. A building where dead bodies are kept= Mortuary.

453. Which cannot be tolerated=Intolerable.

454. An expert at story telling= Raconteur.

455. One who journeys from place to place= Itinerant.

456.Onewho goes from place to place begging alms = Medicant, beggar.

457 .One whose reasoning is clever yet false= Sophist.

458. One who makes a display of his learning= Pedant.

459. A job with salary but without no work= sinecure.

460. A partner in business who does not work= Sleeping partner.

461. To burn slowly without flame= Smoulder.( US also smolder)

462.Onewho makes a show of superiority= Snob.

463.One who walks in sleep= Somnambulist.

464. An old unmarried woman= Spinster.

465. Sharp or pointed pieces of a bomb=Splinters.

466. One who speaks for other= Spokesman.

467. Giving special favours  to one’s relatives= Nepotism.

468. Helping neither side a in war or Quarrel= Neutral.

469. A name given to a person to tease him= Nickname.

470. Belief in nothing= Nihilism.

471.One who is new in something= Novice.

472. A person or thing that causes trouble=nuisance.

473. Able to reason or think= Rational.

474. To talk like a mad man= Rave.

475. A formula to prepare some dish or medicine= Recipe.

476. Given and received in return= Reciprocal.

477. Official delay because of formality= Red-Tape.

478. To make or become young again= Rejuvenate.

479. Recalling of past experiences=Reminiscence.

480. Payment for work= Remuneration.

481. A place appointed for meeting= Rendezvous.

482. Which can be repaired= Reparable.

483. A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate= Affidavit.

484. One who is hundred year old= Centenarian.

485. Anything that remains after satisfying the needs = Surplus.

486.A person who alive after some events=Survivor.

487. Last work before death= Swan –song.

488. One who flatters important people for gain= Sycophant.

489. One who believes in existence of God = Theist

490. A government by man of religion= Theocracy.

491. One flatters others for gain= Today.

492. Medicine which gives energy and strength= Tonic.

493. A play or story with a sad ending= Tragedy.

494. One who betrays one’s country= Traitor.

495. Lasting for a short time= Transient or Transitory.

496. The soul leaving one body and entering other= Transmigration.

497. To pass through another’s land without permission= Trespass.

498. A word or part of word which can be produced by one chest-pulse= Syllable.

499. Summary of course of studies= Syllabus.

500. Something forbidden by society or religion= Taboo.

501. Communication between mind= Telepathy.

502. An instrument which makes distant object nearer and larger = Telescope.

503. One who pays rent for the land, house or building occupy by him= Tenant.

504. Made or done as a trial = Tentative.

505. Station beyond which a train or bus does not go = Terminus.

506. To cause troops to spread out in readiness for battle= Collocate.

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